
时间:2019-08-03 20:23来源:本站作者:点击: 904 次

可做奥鹏院校所有作业、毕业论文咨询请添加 QQ:3082882699
(单选题)1: The continental USA runs () kilometers from its Atlantic coast to Pacific coast,and 2574 kilometers from Canada to Mexico
A: 4505
B: 4506
C: 4507
D: 4508

(单选题)2: The national flag of the United States is known as().
A: the Star-Spangled Banner
B: Uncle Sam
C: Hot Dog
D: Union Jack

(单选题)3: The state()is rich in fishing and trapping.
A: Hawaii
B: California
C: Alaska
D: New York

(单选题)4: Metropolitan Museum is in ().
A: Washington D.C.
B: Boston
C: New York
D: Philadelphia

(单选题)5: The first imperialist war took place between the U. S. and () in 1898.
A: Britain
B: France
C: Spain
D: Mexico

(单选题)6: The state () is rich in fishing and trapping.
A: Hawaii
B: California
C: Alaska
D: New York

(单选题)7: The Niagara Falls is located on the US and Canadian boundary between lake Erie and lake().
A: Superior
B: Michigan
C: Huron
D: Ontario

(单选题)8: Most American children begin their school education at the age of ()
A: 6
B: 5
C: 7
D: 8

(单选题)9: Protestant Church was separated from the Roman Catholic Church at the Reformation in the 16th century, with about () million members.
A: 320
B: 330
C: 340
D: 350

(单选题)10: The struggle of the Civil War was between the Confederate States and the Union of()Northern States.
A: 21
B: 22
C: 23
D: 24

(单选题)11: Junior college in America is ().
A: two-year college
B: four-year college
C: three-year college
D: five-year college

(单选题)12: The largest public library in the U. S. is ().
A: Library of Congress
B: Library of Harvard
C: Franklin Library
D: Roosevelt Library

(单选题)13: Washington is the headquarters of all the branches of the American federal system: (), the Supreme Court and the Presidency.
A: the Senate
B: The House of Representatives
C: Congress
D: the highest court

(单选题)14: The popular American belief is ().
A: part-time working
B: self-made man
C: manual labor
D: being extravagant

(单选题)15: ()serve as the media between producers and retailers, or producers and wholesalers.
A: Producers
B: Retailers
C: Wholesalers
D: The government

(单选题)16: The most famous 19 radio stations is ().
A: the Columbia Broadcasting System
B: the American Broadcasting System
C: Voice of America
D: The National Broadcasting System

(单选题)17: The term "Father of Waters" is used to refer to().
A: the Amazon River
B: the Mississippi River
C: the Nile River
D: the Hudson River

(单选题)18: When ()was elected president, the southern states broke away and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America.
A: Thomas Jefferson
B: Franklin D. Roosevelt
C: George Washington
D: Abraham Lincoln

(单选题)19: The symbol of the Republican Party is ().
A: a monkey
B: an elephant
C: a horse
D: a donkey

(单选题)20: President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a well-known policy called() to save the economic situation.
A: the Open Door Policy
B: the New Deal
C: Good Neighbor Policy
D: the“Big Stick”

(判断题)21: Abraham Lincoln is the sixteenth president of the USA from 1861 to 1865.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)22: The annual session of the Congress begins on January 3rd each year. Congress holds two annual sessions each term.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)23: The successful merchants and ship-builders became the forefathers of the American bourgeoisie in industry.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)24: The Columbia River rises in Canada and flows through Washington State and forms part of the boundary between Oregon and Washington.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)25: The poverty and wealth of the US is not distributed evenly by race, geography or age.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)26: The academic year lasts nine months.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)27: After the Presidential candidate is chosen, he is allowed to choose his running mate, a candidate for the Secretary.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)28: On August 14, 1945, Germany surrendered and the Second World War ended.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)29: There are three world religions: Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)30: There are two major denominations in America: Christian Science and Mormonism that are the results of native developments.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)31: In 1965, the USA launched the world's first communication space satellite —"Early Bird"
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)32: The Statue of Liberty was given by the Spanish people as a gift.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)33: Lake Michigan is wholly within the United States of America while the other four run along the boundary between the USA and Canada.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)34: America has about 8 000 miles of coastline and 8 000 square miles of inland waterways.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)35: The Federalists  are supporters of the federal principle of government or members of political group from 1787 to 1823 which favoured strong centralized government and was in power from 1789 to 1800 in the USA.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)36: The Americans celebrate Memorial Day on the last Monday in May so that all can enjoy a three-day weekend.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)37: Before the breakout of the Civil War, the Whig Party, which had been formed during Jackson's day, began to break up.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)38: Impeachment is a charge brought by the US House of Representatives against an official in the judicial or executive branches of the federal government.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)39: The Proclamation declared the abolition of slavery an objective of the war in addition to the objective of saving the Union.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)40: The name "Indians" was given by Amerigo Vespucci. When he first discovered the American continent, he mistook the natives there for the people of India.
A: 错误
B: 正确

