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可做奥鹏院校所有作业、毕业论文咨询请添加 QQ:3082882699

Section A
1.第二次作业问11(      )
    AThe girls got on well with each other.
    BIt's understandable that girls don't get along.
    CShe was angry either the other young stars.
    DThe girls lacked the courage to fight.
2.第二次作业问题12(      )
    AThe woman does her own housework.
    BThe woman needs a housekeeper.
    CThe woman's house is in a mess.
    DThe woman works as a housekeeper.
3.第二次作业问题13(      )
    AThe Edwards are quite well-off.
    BThe Edwards should cut down on their living expenses.
    CIt'll be unwise for the Edwards to buy another house.
    DIt's too expensive for the Edwards to live in their present house.
4.第二次作业问题14(      )
    AThe woman didn't except it to be so warm at noon.
    BThe woman is sensitive to weather changes.
    CThe weather forecast was unreliable
    DThe weather turned cold all of a sudden.
5.第二次作业问题15(      )
    AAt a clinic.
    BAt a restaurant.
    CIn a supermarket.
    DIn an ice cream shop.
6.第二次作业问题16(      )
    AThe woman did not feel any danger growing up in the Bronx.
    BThe man thinks it was quite safe living in the Bronx district.
    CThe woman started working at an early age to support her family .
    DThe man doesn’t think it safe to send an 8-year-old to buy things.
7.第二次作业问题17(      )
    AThe man has never seen the woman before.
    BThe two speakers work for the same company.
    CThe two speakers work in the same floor.
    DThe woman is interested in market research. 
8.第二次作业问题18(      )
    AThe woman can't tolerate any noise.
    BThe man is looking for an apartment.
    CThe man has missed his appointment.
Dthe woman is going to take a train trip.
Conversation One
9.第二次作业问题19(      )
    ATo make a business report to the woman .
    BTo be interviewed for a job in the woman's company.
    CTo resign from his position in the woman's company.
    DTo exchange stock market information with the woman.
10.第二次作业问题20(      )
    AHe is head of a small treading company.
    BHe works in an international insurance company.
    CHe leads s team of brokers in a big company.
    DHe is a public relations officer in a small company.
11.第二次作业问题21(      )
    AThe woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer.
    BMr. Saunders will share one third of the woman's responsibilities.
    CMr. Saunders believes that he deserves more paid vacations.
DThe woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders' past experience.
Conversation Two
12.第二次作业问题22(      )
    AShe's worried about the seminar.
    BThe man keeps interrupting her.
    CShe finds it too hard.
    DShe lacks interest in it.
13.第二次作业问题23(      )
    AThe lecturers are boring.
    BThe course is poorly designed.
    CShe prefers Philosophy to English.
    DShe enjoys literature more.
14.第二次作业问题24(      )
    AKaren's friend.
    BKaren's parents.
    CKaren's lecturers.
    DKaren's herself. 
15.第二次作业问题25(      )
    AChanging her major.
    BSpending less of her parents' money.
    CGetting transferred to the English Department.
DLeaving the university.
Section B
Passage One
16.第二次作业问题26(      )
    ARent a grave.
    BBurn the body.
    CBury the dead near a church.
    DBuy a piece of land for a grave.
17.第二次作业问题27(      )
    ATo solve the problem of lack of land.
    BTo see whether they have decayed.
    CTo follow the Greek religious practice.
    DTo move them to a multi-Storey
18.第二次作业问题28(      )
    AThey should be buried lying down .
    BThey should be buried standing up.
    CThey should be buried after being washed.
    DThey should be buried when partially decayed.
19.第二次作业问题29(      )
    ABurning dead bodies to ashes.
    BStoring dead bodies in a remote place.
    CPlacing dead bodies in a bone room.
    DDigging up dead bodies after three years.

