
时间:2020-12-18 09:05来源:本站作者:点击: 1042 次

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Section A
1.第四次作业问11(      )
    AIt could help people of all ages to avoid cancer.
    BIt was mainly meant for cancer patients.
    CIt might appeal more to viewers over 40.
    DIt was frequently interrupted by commercials.
2.第四次作业问题12(      )
    AThe man is fond of traveling.
    BThe woman is a photographer.
    CThe woman took a lot of pictures at the contest.
    DThe man admires the woman's talent in writing.
3.第四次作业问题13(      )
    AThe man regrets being absent-minded.
    BThe woman saved the man some trouble.
    CThe man placed the reading list on a desk.
    DThe woman emptied the waste paper basket.
4.第四次作业问题14(      )
    AHe quit teaching in June.
    BHe has left the army recently.
    CHe opened a restaurant near the school.
    DHe has taken over his brother's business. 
5.第四次作业问题15(      )
    AShe seldom reads books from cover to cover. 
    BShe is interested in reading novels. 
    CShe read only part of the book.
    D  She was eager to know what the book was about
6.第四次作业问题16(      )
    AShe was absent atl week owing to sickness.
    BShe was seriously injured in a car accident.
    CShe called to say that her husband had been hospitalized.
    DShe had to be away from school to attend to her husband.
7.第四次作业问题17(      )
    AThe speakers want to rent the Smiths’ old house.
    BThe man lives two blocks away from the Smiths.
    CThe woman is not sure if she is on the right street.
    DThe Smiths' new house is not far from their old one.
8.第四次作业问题18(      )
    AThe man had a hard time finding a parking space.
    BThe woman found they had got to the wrong spot. 
    CThe woman was offended by the man's late arrival. 
DThe man couldn't find his car in the parking lot.
Conversation One
9.第四次作业问题19(      )
    AThe hotel clerk had put his reservation under another name.
    BThe hotel clerk insisted that he didn't make any reservation.
    CThe hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience. 
    DThe hotel clerk couldn't find his reservation for that night.
10.第四次作业问题20(      )
    AA grand wedding was being held in the hotel.
    BThere was a conference going on in the city.
    CThe hotel was undergoing major repairs. 
    DIt was a busy season for holiday-makers.
11.第四次作业问题21(      )
    AIt was free of charge on weekends. 
    BIt had a 15% discount on weekdays.
    CIt was offered to frequent guests only. 
DIt was 10% cheaper than in other hotels.
12.第四次作业问题22(      )
    ADemand compensation from the hotel.
    BAsk for an additional discount.
    CComplain to the hotel manager. 
    DFind a cheaper room in another hotel.
Conversation Two
13.第四次作业问题23(      )
    AAn employee in the city council at Birmingham.
    BAssistant Director of the Admissions Office
    CHead of the Overseas Students Office.
    DSecretary of Birmingham Medical School. 
14.第四次作业问题24(      )
    ANearly fitly percent arc foreigners.
    BAbout fifteen percent are from Africa.
    CA large majority are from Latin America. 
    DA small number are from the Far East.
15.第四次作业问题25(      )
    AShe will have more contact with students.
    BIt will bring her capability into fuller play.
    CShe will be more involved in policy-making.
DIt will be less demanding than her present job
Section B
Passage One

16.第四次作业问题26(      )
    AHer parents thrived in the urban environment.
    BHer parents left Chicago to work on a farm.
    CHer parents immigrated to America.
    D  Her parents set up an ice-cream store.
17.第四次作业问题27(      )
    AHe taught English in Chicago.
    BHe was crippled in a car accident.
    CHe worked to become an executive.
    DHe was born with a limp.
18.第四次作业问题28(      )
    AShe was fond of living an isolated life.
    BShe was fascinated by American culture.
    CShe was very generous in offering help.
    DShe was highly devoted lo her family.

