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可做奥鹏院校所有作业、毕业论文咨询请添加 QQ:3082882699

 1.[单选题]The teacher told the boy to _____ all the waste paper lying about after the picnic and burn it.
    A.collect    B.ask    C.commit    D.confirm
2.[单选题]A:How much are these oranges_______?
B: 3yuan.
3.[单选题]I didn't send out my application form last week, but I(   ).
    B.would do
    C.should have
    D.might have to
4.[单选题]The____work continued for more than a week but there was still no sign of the missing boy.
5.[单选题]A:Are you satisfied with What He has said and done?
B:Not in the least. it couldn’t be ____.
6.[单选题]When you fill in the application form, please use your____address so that we can contact you easily later.
7.[单选题]A:you shouldn’t have gone There alone last night.
B:But I _____, Because Tom went There, too.
8.[单选题]A: Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?  B:Oh, really ! I haven' t _______my mailbox yet.
9.[单选题]Pine trees are usually believed to(   )cold weather.
10.[单选题]A: I’m told that you didn’t do the work.      B: Oh,(   ).
    A.No, I did
    B.Yes, I did
    C.No, I don’t
    D.Yes,I didn’t
11.[单选题]A:Was it in 2003(   )Yang Liwei succeeded(   )being launched into space? Buite right.
12.[单选题]Several loudspeakers are ____from the ceiling and we can hear the speaker very clearly.
13.[单选题]This man has been proved ____of murder.
14.[单选题]With all the work on hand, he____to the cinema last night.
    A.mustn't go
    B.shouldn't have gone
    C.could not go
    D.couldn't have gone
15.[单选题]Mary____my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.
    A.should have received
    B.has received
    C.Couldn't have received
    D.ought to have received
16.[单选题]We do not have a____school in our institute. The highest degree we provide for the students is a B. A. and a B. S.
17.[单选题]A:It’s?a?wonderful?party.   B:It’s?very?nice?of?you?to?come.______.
    A.Please do make yourself at home
    B.Please enjoy yourself
    C.Help yourself
    D.Have a good time
18.[单选题]A: If you are free tonight, I’d like to invite you to a film.
B: That’s very nice of you,  but are you_____?
    C.serious    奥鹏作业答案
19.[单选题]A: Have you read either  novel of his written recently?           B: ____.
20.[单选题]Please be serious. I am not(   ). You should consider it carefully.
21.[单选题]In the United States, the foreign policy is decided by the(   )government, not by each state.
22.[单选题]We ought to help each other in our work,____?
    A.oughtn't we
    B.should we
    C.shouldn't we
    D.ought to we
23.[单选题]Much of the news provided by this newspaper is(   ), not foreign.
24.[单选题]_______ are kept on the farm for their meat or milk.
    A.200 head cattle
    B.200 head of cattle
    C.200 head cattles
    D.200 heads of cattle
25.[单选题]A:What Shall I do? I’m afraid to give a speech in public.
Bon’t worry!____ sometimes will help you a lot when in danger.
    D.Have been?brave
26.[单选题]A:I’m thinking of the test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.
B:_____! I’m sure you’ll make it.
    A.Go ahead
    B.Good luck
    D.Cheer up
27.[单选题]Sometimes the student may be asked to write about his ________ to a certain book or article that has some bearing on the subject being studied.
    A.   comment
    B.   reaction
    C.   impression
    D.   comprehension
28.[单选题]She has the ability to keep _______ in an emergency.
29.[单选题]The international situation is very ____ in the Middle East.
30.[单选题]A:It's a good idea. But who's going to _______ the plan?  B: I think Tom and Greg will.
    A.set aside
    B.carry out
    C.carry away
    D.get through
31.[单选题]A: the film Harry Potter became very popular in England.
B: _____ the movie Hero in China.
32.[单选题]I can't find the recorder in the room. It(   )by somebody.
    A.may have been taken away
    B.may leave
    C.may take away
    D.must have taken away
33.[单选题]Mary(   )my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.
    A.should have received
    B.has received
    C.couldn't have received
    D.ought to have received
34.[单选题]Wait till you are more ________ . It's better to be sure than sorry.
35.[单选题]Most of ______ geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.
    A.what do we call
    B.what we call
    C.we call it
    D.we call what
36.[单选题]A:They(   )students, aren’t they? B:Yes, they(   ).
    A.are all,are all
    B.all are,all are
    C.are all,all are
    D.all are,are all
37.[单选题]If you live in the country or have ever visited there, ______ are that you have heard birds singing to welcome the new day.
38.[单选题]A: _____he open the door?   B: Yes, please.
39.[单选题]A:time to get up. don’t you hear the alarm clock is_____?
B:Yeah, yeah. I’m dressing myself.
40.[单选题]On hearing her son's voice on the line, all her fears and anxiety(   ).
41.[单选题]He is a man who believes in strict(   )and he seldom deviates from his principles.
42.[单选题]Sometimes it is very difficult to ____some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.
43.[单选题]Some lazy men would rather ____than work.
44.[单选题]It is not(   )for me to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research.
45.[单选题]I know things are hard with you, but you(   )try to get over the difficulties.
46.[单选题]The pursuit of leisure on the part of the employees will certainly not ________ their prospect of promotion.
    A.   spur
    B.   further
    C.   induce
    D.   reinforce
47.[单选题]Who is the patient being ____on?
48.[单选题]I am feeling sick. I(   )so much chocolate.
    A.needn't have eaten
    B.couldn't have eaten
    C.mustn't have eaten
    D.shouldn't have eaten
49.[单选题]We____the letter yesterday, but it didn't arrive.
    A.must receive
    B.ought to receive
    C.must have received
    D.ought to have received
50.[单选题]John's score on the test is the highest in the class; he(   )last night.
    A.should study
    B.should have studied
    C.must have studied
    D.must have to study
1.[单选题]I think it's high time you made up your mind to choose a(n)(   ).
2.[单选题]Who____this country, the people or the president? This question is not easy to answer.
3.[单选题]I know things are hard with you, but you(   )try to get over the difficulties.
4.[单选题]The returns in the short ________ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well repaid.
    A.   interval
    B.   range
    C.   span
    D.   term
5.[单选题]With all the work on hand, he____to the cinema last night.
    A.mustn't go
    B.shouldn't have gone
    C.could not go
    D.couldn't have gone
6.[单选题]He is easily ____ so I do not like to talk with him.
7.[单选题]The new research team ______ charge of a _____ engineer will carry out the plan.
    A.in; main
    B.take ; major
    C.in the ; chief
    D.with the ; primary
8.[单选题]The teacher told the boy to _____ all the waste paper lying about after the picnic and burn it.
9.[单选题]You should bear in mind that he is not so strong as he____.
    A.was used to be
    B.used to be
    C.was used to
    D.use to
10.[单选题]A:Remember the first time We met, Mike?
Bf course I do. you _______ a lecture.
11.[单选题]What____would happen if the director knew you felt that way?
    A.will you suppose
    B.you suppose
    C.do you suppose
    D.you would suppose
12.[单选题]He is a man who believes in strict(   )and he seldom deviates from his principles.
13.[单选题]He works in our university as a visiting(   ), not as a formal faculty member.
14.[单选题]Some states in the United States ____people to carry guns.
15.[单选题]I can't find the recorder in the room. It(   )by somebody.
    A.may have been taken away
    B.may leave
    C.may take away
    D.must have taken away
16.[单选题]The room is in a terrible mess; it____cleaned.
    A.can't have been
    B.shouldn't have been
    C.mustn't have been
    D.wouldn't have been
17.[单选题]Who is the patient being ____on?
18.[单选题]A:how can I get to the island you mentioned?        B:you can’t get there _____ by swimming.
19.[单选题]If I had been(   )to be the group leader, I would have done much better than him.
20.[单选题]A:What Shall I do? I’m afraid to give a speech in public.
Bon’t worry!____ sometimes will help you a lot when in danger.
    D.Have been?brave
21.[单选题]He has been(   )with a certain form of mental disorder for twenty years.
22.[单选题]A:time to get up. don’t you hear the alarm clock is_____?
B:Yeah, yeah. I’m dressing myself.
23.[单选题]At the meeting, the master suggested the teachers receive further education to(   )the latest development.
    A.keep in touch with
    B.get in touch with
    C.call in
    D.catch up with
24.[单选题]He(   )to study harder in the future so that he could have more opportunities to find a better job.
25.[单选题]You____your tooth pulled out before it rot completely.
    A.had better got
    B.had to get better
    C.had better to get
    D.had better get
26.[单选题]The local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer ________ according to the weather.
    A.   altered
    B.   converted
    C.   fluctuated
    D.   modified
27.[单选题]This year our university does not have any ____to continue the international student exchange program.
28.[单选题]Most of(   )geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.
    A.what do we call
    B.what we call
    C.we call it
    D.we call what
29.[单选题]A: We’d better hurry. We’ll be late. B:(   )?  Do you really want to listen to the boring lecture?
    A.For what
    B.Take it easy
    C.What on
    D.So what
30.[单选题]A: are you sure that you have met him before?
B:____I’m mistaken.
31.[单选题]A:Shall we meet at 6:00 or at 6:30?      B:(   ).
    A.any time
    B.Yes, at 6:30
    C.Well, either time will
    D.Any time is OK
32.[单选题]A:He doesn’t seem like the same person.
B:_____so much in the society has made him more thoughtful.
33.[单选题]Tian’anmen Square is situated in the ________ of Beijing city.
34.[单选题]John(   )to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.
35.[单选题]A:Shall?we?meet?at?6:00??or??at?6:30?      B:______.
    E.Any time is?OK
36.[单选题]The volcano that raised the islands are still ______ in places.
    A.inactive 
    B.enormous 
37.[单选题]Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They(   )from South America on rafts.
    A.must have sailed
    B.can sail
    C.might have sailed
    D.should have sailed
38.[单选题]Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he____Tom to go with him.
    A.might have asked
    B.should asked
    C.must have asked
    D.should have asked
39.[单选题]Sometimes it is very difficult to ____some of the English words. Even the native speaker can not help.
40.[单选题]She has the ability to keep _______ in an emergency.
41.[单选题]John____to be a polite man. But in fact he is very rude.
42.[单选题]I am feeling sick. I(   )so much chocolate.
    A.needn't have eaten
    B.couldn't have eaten
    C.mustn't have eaten
    D.shouldn't have eaten
43.[单选题]It was really very dangerous; you(   )him seriously.
    A.might have injured
    B.could injure
    C.should have injured
    D.must injure
44.[单选题]This kind of medicine has the power to ____poison.
45.[单选题]A: I’ll be waiting for you at home.
B: _____I were busy and couldn’t come.
46.[单选题]I’m very glad to know that my boss has generously agreed to ________ my debt in return for certain services.
    A.   take away
    B.   cut out
    C.   write off
    D.   clear up
47.[单选题]Wait till you are more ________ . It's better to be sure than sorry.
48.[单选题]You____all those clothes! We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.
    A.needn't have washed
    B.shouldn't have washed
    C.must not have washed
    D.can not have washed
49.[单选题]A: If you are free tonight, I’d like to invite you to a film.
B: That’s very nice of you,  but are you_____?
50.[单选题]After the earthquake, the injured were cared ________ in the hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighboring cities.

