
时间:2022-11-13 12:40来源:本站作者:点击: 402 次

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中医大2022年12月大学英语(下)(本科)作业考核试题一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 20 分)1.Children who have a positive self-image are less _ to present behaviour and discipline problems.A.lastlyB.likelyC.lovelyD.lonely答案解析:B2.We would be _ your coming with great pleasure.A.looking afterB.looking up toC.looking aheadD.looking forward to答案解析:D3.I would like to meet you there and please _ your decision soon.A.show meB.instruct meC.write to meD.let me know答案解析:D4.We must _ a good relationship with the clien

2、ts.A.maintainB.remainC.detainD.dominate答案解析:A5.He has provided lots of food _the poor.A.inB.withC.atD.for答案解析:D6.The service should be available to everyone, irrespective _ whether they can afford it.A.ofB.onC.atD.with答案解析:A7.Dont expose your skin directly _ the sun.A.inB.withC.toD.for答案解析:C8.Her story may _ as an example of failure-to-success.A.sitB.serveC.treatD.deal答案解析:B9.The students will receive a _ education.A.quantityB.quantitiesC.qualityD.qualities答案解析:C10.His parents wont _ him to stay

3、 out late.A.offerB.giveC.provideD.allow答案解析:D11.I cant understand what youre saying when you both talk _.A.at leastB.at mostC.at allD.at once答案解析:D12.Mr Smith was late for the meeting because his car _.A.broke downB.broke inC.broke upD.broke out答案解析:A13.He talks _ he were a teacher.A.even ifB.only ifC.as ifD.if only统考,网考,作业加扣扣:1144970736答案解析:C14.It is a country rich in natural _.A.sourseB.resourcesC.southD.origin答案解析:B15.It was in the nature of a debate_an argument.A.in spite ofB.despiteC.instea

4、dD.rather than答案解析:D16.You cant learn anything with _ attitude.A.activeB.positiveC.negativeD.aggressive答案解析:C17.The sentence All three had their elbows on the table, chin in their hands.implied _A.the best postureB.the good mannersC.the proper posture that the pretty should behaveD.improper manners at the table答案解析:D18.Light refreshments will be served during the_.A.interruptionB.breakC.operationD.location答案解析:B19.He recalled exactly what Bob had told him the_night.A.beforeB.futureC.comingD.prev

