
时间:2019-08-03 19:57来源:本站作者:点击: 1416 次

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(单选题)1: No matter how much progress we've made in our work ,we shouldn't get ____ .

A: complacent

B: perfect

C: satisfactory

D: fortunate


(单选题)2: One of her longest ____ dreams was to visit her birthplace again .

A: held

B: holding

C: hold

D: being held


(单选题)3: We ____ the visitor with an apartment ,but he specially asked for a single room .

A: could provide

B: could have provided

C: couldn't provide

D: couldn't have provided


(单选题)4: According to the latest ___ poll ,the Opposition is likely to win the next General Election .

A: inquiry

B: opinion

C: question

D: impression


(单选题)5: Lilly made no attempt to ____ the problem .

A: tackled

B: try

C: undertake

D: leaked


(单选题)6: We ___the contract when the detective phoned us.

A: were about to sign

B: were going to sign

C: would sign

D: have signed


(单选题)7: For many working people ,their largest ____ is their ability to produce an income .

A: access

B: asset

C: accession

D: estate


(单选题)8: People under 21 are not ____ to join the sports club .

A: desirable

B: eligible

C: advisable

D: admissible


(单选题)9: ____ ,his idea was accepted by the participants at the meeting .

A: Weird as might it sound

B: As it might sound weird

C: As weird it might sound

D: Weird as it might sound


(单选题)10: After earning a degree in creative writing at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh ,Lois ___ a job at the Sentinel Star in Orlando ,Fla.

A: applied

B: looked

C: found

D: did


(单选题)11: On Take Your Daughter to Work Day ,I brought my niece to the office with me so she could experience many ____ of being a social worker .

A: respects

B: ideas

C: reasons

D: aspects


(单选题)12: The mayor is a woman with great ____ and therefore deserves our political and financial support .

A: intention

B: integrity

C: instinct

D: intensity


(单选题)13: A recent study has shown that the ____ to child care centers ,for working mothers ,is the all-purpose grandmother ,who watches the children and does much of the cleaning ,shopping and cooking .

A: option

B: choice

C: alternative

D: substitute


(单选题)14: Many parents are apparently ___ to the religious education in schools .

A: object

B: disagreement

C: opposed

D: objected


(单选题)15: Bill ____ as Mark .

A: doesn't run so fast

B: runs not so fast

C: doesn't run faster

D: runs less fast


(单选题)16: Opening remarks constitute a warm-up designed to put you ____ and capture the audience's attention .

A: in ease

B: at ease

C: for ease

D: with ease


(单选题)17: ____ for his timely help ,I could not have completed my project in time .

A: If it was not

B: If it were not

C: Had it not been

D: Were it not


(单选题)18: I cannot bear the noise from my neighborhood's house ;it ____ me from my work .

A: distracts

B: annoys

C: interrupts

D: disturbs


(单选题)19: It is not so much the language ____ the legal jargons that makes the book difficult to understand .

A: but

B: nor

C: as

D: like


(单选题)20: Exercising generally begins with standing up straight ,____ slowly and then letting your breath out evenly .

A: exhaling

B: drawing

C: inhaling

D: puffing


(单选题)21: Barnes ____ to involuntary manslaughter ,and on May 29,1981,a judge gave him three years in prison .

A: pleaded guilt

B: admitted guilt

C: pleaded guilty

D: admitted guilty


(单选题)22: The flats I  have looked at so far were too expensive .So I'm better off ____ where I am .

A: stay

B: staying

C: to stay

D: stayed


(单选题)23: You ____ a new bicycle ,since the one you lost the other day has already been found .

A: should not buy

B: need not buy

C: need not have bought

D: should not have bought


(单选题)24: You will be able to stay with the team provided that you ___ make the same mistake again .

A: won't

B: don't

C: are not going to

D: didin't


(单选题)25: The speaker ____ the importance of adopting a positive attitude towards life .

A: attached

B: emphasized on

C: stressed

D: pointed


(单选题)26: ---Shall I give you a check ?----I'd rather you ___cash .

A: pay

B: paid

C: paying

D: to pay


(单选题)27: It is an encouraging sign that people's purchasing power is ____ the rise recently .

A: on

B: in

C: at

D: with


(单选题)28: Alex suggested that the farm ___ into a golf course but no one liked the idea .

A: should be converted

B: being converted

C: been converted

D: to be converted


(单选题)29: The appeal to the senses known as _____ is a common technique in poetry .

A: imaginative

B: imaginable

C: ingenious

D: imagery


(单选题)30: The couple bought their son an annual ____ to the tennis club as a birthday gift .

A: prescription

B: description

C: transcription

D: subscription


(判断题)31: The oil comes ashore in floating patches that stain the coral black and gray .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)32: Before the guests left ,the thanked the host for his generous.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)33: Kerosene engines are more desirable than gasoline engines because they will increase speed .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)34: The leader was facing threats not only from his former loyalists ,but also his two coalition partners .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)35: Uncle William is desirous of travelling to the holiday island next summer .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)36: The two trucks collided with each other at the crossroads ,but the drivers were miraculously unhurt .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)37: The car is easily unrecognizable because of its bright colour .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)38: Nowadays some parents have unnecessarily high expectations for their children .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)39: This instrument is used to measure the density of the fog .

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)40: The crew laid their paddle blades flat on top of the water to stabilize the boat .

A: 错误

B: 正确


