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(单选题)1: Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?

A: Tailoring message to competence

B: Paraphrasing

C: Using fillers and hesitation devices

D: Appealing for help


(单选题)2: If a writing task is more general (for example, developing informal letter writing skills), then what is the best approch of correction?

A: teacher-guided correction

B: group correction

C: focus correcting


(单选题)3: Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have to find out the differences without looking at each other’s pictures. What is the name of this speaking activity

A: Reaching a consensus

B: Describe and arrange

C: Find out the difference

D: Work out the story


(单选题)4: ()research must be analytic

A: experimental

B: descriptive

C: Action research

D: A case study


(单选题)5: Which is the pre-writing activityin which  a student or group of students write down as many thoughts as possible on a topic without paying attention to organization, sentence structure or spelling?

A: Describing

B: predicting

C: brainstoring


(单选题)6: Repetition is belongs to what strategy?

A: metacognitive strategy

B: cognitive strategy

C: social strategy

D: affective strategy


(单选题)7: Which is not belongs to cognitive strategies?

A: resourcing

B: self-management

C: translation

D: inferencing


(单选题)8: ________is a word game in which you write answers to questions in a pattern of numbered boxes.

A: anagram

B: crossword

C: riddle

D: word puzzle


(单选题)9: David Nunan (1991) offers () points to characterize the Communicative Approach:

A: five

B: six

C: seven

D: four


(单选题)10: Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?

A: Gardner

B: Kreshen

C: Terrell

D: Carroll


(单选题)11: Learners may be unwilling or even refuse to learn the language of a nation which is () to their country in economy, culture or social progress.

A: inferior

B: superior

C: more developed

D: higher


(单选题)12: If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goal when we speak English in the classroom().

A: consistency

B: intelligibility

C: communicative efficiency

D: above all


(单选题)13: In the language focus phase, language analysis activities also provide a focus on form through ()processes.

A: teachers' instructions

B: language acquisition

C: peers' help

D: consciousness-raising


(单选题)14: The first of the “natural methods”is ().

A: Direct Method

B: Grammar-translation Method

C: the Audio-lingual Method

D: Situational Language Teaching


(单选题)15: One of the principles of the Direct Method is that  classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the  ()language.

A: native

B: another new

C: target

D: first


(单选题)16: Which expression is wrong about learning students' names?()

A: Help show students that the teacher is interested in them.

B: It shows the teacher is responsible.

C: The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.

D: The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.


(单选题)17: A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.

A: jigsaw

B: gap-filling

C: hungman

D: bingo


(单选题)18: () relates to the truthfulness of the data.

A: validity

B: reliabilit

C: subject

D: object


(单选题)19: What kinds of methods can you use when you observing lessons().

A: using videotapes

B: using sheets

C: using checklists

D: above all


(单选题)20: For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .

A: teachers

B: designers

C: learners

D: students


(多选题)21: The interactional view of language sees language primarily as the means for ()and for () between individuals.

A: establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships

B: performing social transactions

C: learning to express communicative functions

D: learning to express categories of meaning


(多选题)22: The motivation of a student who wishes integrate with the L2 culture is what?

A: intrinsic

B: integrative

C: instrumental

D: extrinisic

E: external


(多选题)23: What are the challenges in teaching large classes?()

A: Let every student like you.

B: Keep good discipline.

C: Give individual student attention.

D: Manage classroom disruption.


(多选题)24: In the following, which are controlled writing activities?

A: copying

B: gap-filling

C: Making lists

D: Sentence completion


(多选题)25: There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?

A: target

B: tools

C: topic

D: time


(多选题)26: Techniques of noting an error including().

A: facial expression

B: sentence completion

C: clarification request

D: explicit correction


(多选题)27: In the language focus phase, learners could ()

A: notice and reflect on language features

B: recycle the task language

C: go back over the text or recording and investigate new items

D: practice pronouncing useful phrases


(多选题)28: Which are included in social and affective strategies?

A: Questioning for clarification

B: Cooperation

C: Self-talk

D: selective attention


(多选题)29: For the public use of language(talking to the whole class) students will need to focus on()as befits a public presentation.

A: fluency

B: accuracy

C: clarity

D: organization


(多选题)30: The ultimate purpose of teaching is to assist students to become () learners.

A: independent

B: self-regulated

C: dependent

D: undisciplined


(判断题)31: Learning to use computers provides a strong intrinsic motivation for learning English

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)32: It is necessary for the teacher to show the students what they have learned and what they have failed to learn.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)33: Learners can neither correct nor explain pre-systematic error.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)34: Adults' experiences are their advantage in the early stages of SLA.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)35: At the presentation stage the teacher introduces new language for students to learn. Here the teacher is in complete control and does almost all the talking.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)36: A lexical item may be more than a single word.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)37: Authentic materials are dialogues and reading passages that have been specially written for language learners.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)38: Self concept is the image that people have of themselves and how they think other people see them.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)39: The simplest type of experiment involves two “equivalent” groups.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)40: Intralingual errors originate with the structure of the native language itself.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)41: The third step of memorizing words is to over-learn, which means to learn them so thoroughly that you can recall them as quickly as possible.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)42: The explanations should always be as clear and simple as possible.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)43: A very good way to expand your vocabulary is to read because there are a lot of unfamiliar words in reading.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)44: Experimental research seeks to describe existing patterns in the data; no manipulation of the variables occurs.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)45: The analytic syllabus relies on the learner’s ability to learn a language in parts independently of one another.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)46: Chomsky (1972) proposed a communicative definition of language which serves as a basis for developing communicative syllabuses for language teaching.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)47: TBL requires students to engage in interaction in order to fulfill a task.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)48: Over-prepared lessons are as bad as under-prepared lessons.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)49: The more recent understanding is concerned with how something is done.

A: 错误

B: 正确


(判断题)50: Rote-learning ability is not included in aptitude.

A: 错误

B: 正确


