(单选题)1: She blurred the ink on the letter with her tears.
A: 他的眼泪把信上的墨水弄得模糊不清。
B: 他的眼泪把信上的字迹弄得模糊不清。
C: 他的眼泪把信上的字句弄得模糊不清。
D: 他的眼泪把信上的话语弄得模糊不清
(单选题)2: 他总是衣着朴 素。
A: He is always plainly dressed.
B: He always wears plainly.
C: He always wears plain clothes.
D: He always put on plain clothes.
(单选题)3: 我陷入了沉思。
A: I Was lost in thought.
B: I lost in thought.
C: My thought was lost.
D: 1 was deep in thought.
(单选题)4: According to Theodore Savory, a translator must ask himself: _________.
A: (ⅰ) What does the author say? (ⅱ) What does he mean? (ⅲ) How does he say it?
B: (ⅰ) What does the author mean? (ⅱ)What does he say? (ⅲ)What does he want?
C: (ⅰ)What does the author say? (ⅱ) Where does he say it? (ⅲ) What does he mean?
D: (ⅰ) What does the author mean? (ⅱ) How does he like it? (ⅲ) What does he say?
(单选题)5: 虽然时代不同,我想历史古迹总该是依旧吧。
A: Times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, must have remained the same.
B: Even though times are different, I think the historic sites should be the same.
C: Since times are different, but the historic sites, I presume, should be the same.
D: Since times are different, I think the historic sites must have remained the sam
(单选题)6: 他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山以外,都是我没有到过的。
A: In China,he has been to many places except the Jinggang Mountains which I have never been to.
B: Except the Jinggang Mountains,he has been to many places in China which I have never visited.
C: In China,I have never visited many places he has been to,with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains.
D: In China,he has been to many places which I have never visited. with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains.
(单选题)7: 她是班里唱得最好的。
A: She is better singer than any in the class.
B: She is the best singer in the class.
C: She sings better than any in the class.
D: She is the best singer of all her classmates.
(单选题)8: 就句子结构而言,一般说来,________。
A: 汉语多用并列结构,英语也多用并列结构。
B: 汉语多用并列结构,英语多用主从结构。
C: 汉语多用主从结构,英语也多用主从结构。
D: 汉语多用主从结构,英语多用并列结构。
(单选题)9: As a nation, the French are no more eager to learn about their wartime failings than are the Japanese.
A: 作为一个国家,法国不如日本人那样积极地从他们的战争失败中吸取教训。
B: 作为一个国家,法国正如日本那样不积极地从他们的战争失败中吸取教训。
C: 作为一个民族,法国人正如同日本人那样,不积极地从他们的战争失败中吸取教训。
D: 作为一个民族,法国人不如日本人那样积极地从战争失败中吸取教训。
(单选题)10: 我们必须采取措施深化改革。
A: We must take measures to deepen our reform.
B: Measures have to be taken to deepen the reform.
C: Measures have to be taken to deepen our commitment to reform.
D: Measures must be taken£o deepen reform.
(判断题)11: 翻译理论就是研究和探索翻译固有的内在规律,以指导翻译实践。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)12: They had barely enough time to catch the train.他们差点儿没赶上火车。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)13: Ask her when Miss Roberston comes back. 你去问问她罗伯逊馒头何时回来。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)14: 我们的干部还要努力读一点历史和小说。 We should also find time to read some history books and novels.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)15: 这辆自行车坏得太严重,不能骑了。 The bike was very damaged and was of no use.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)16: 他们已经适应了农村生活。 They have been adopted with the country life.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)17: 革命是解放生产力 ,改革也是解放生产力。 Revolution means the emancipation of the productive force, and so does reform.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)18: Yet there was a bigger movement in the air by 1750. 然而到1750年天空中有了一场更大的运动
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)19: The name of the game is controlling the population. 问题的关键在于控制人口。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)20: During one four-year period about 600 years ago, the Black Death killed at least 25 million people in Europe. 在大约600年前一次为期四年的流行期中,黑死病至少使2500万欧洲人丧生。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)21: 中国人民是刻苦勤劳的民族。 The Chinese is an industrious and hard-working people.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)22: This reason saw an ominous dawning of the tenth of November. 这一季节看见11月10日的不祥的破晓。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)23: 我们现在就去,怎么样? Let’s go at once , don’t we?
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)24: 她给你买的这本词典,你付钱了吗? Have you paid the dictionary she bought you?
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)25: 护士把病人照顾得很好。 The nurse takes good care of the paitients.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)26: We live and learn . 活到老,学到老。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)27: Official Moscow is going to object to the proposal . 莫斯科官方准备反对此项提议。
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)28: 每天天不亮戴着星星去排队,工厂没开大门就排上老长的队了。 We had to queue up wearing the stars before dawn. A long queue formed before the mill’s door opened.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)29: 有五种爵位:公侯伯子男。 There are five ranks of nobility: baron, viscount, earl, marquis and duke.
A: 错误
B: 正确
(判断题)30: 我们现在正在积极地做准备工作。 We are making busy preparations for that visit.
A: 错误
B: 正确