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1.—?I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of food production.


—?????????????.?Some illegal traders care about nothing but making money.?

A.That bothers me too

B.I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety

C.Yes, you bet


2.— So how can we buy safe food?



A.The higher the price, the safer the food

B.We can plant vegetables and fruits by ourselves

C.When we choose food, we must remember to check its tag, confirming whether the basic information is marked on it


3.— What would you like to have for breakfast?


—??????????????????????.?Would you like to have a taste?

A.Twisted cruller, I bought it this morning

B.I already had my breakfast

C.Breakfast is the most important?meal of the day


4.Modern Meadow is a startup that engineers tissues to create lab-grown _____ meat.





5.This, they argue, will be essential to ??????the needs of a booming population in decades to come and avoiding starvation.









According to experts, the advantage of modified food is that it helps in preventing the occurrence of allergies and also has a long shelf life. However, a major portion of the population is against the consumption of genetically modified food and is concerned about its disadvantages. If you are also confused about the consumption of genetically modified food, read through the pros and cons given below and decide for yourself.


Advantages of Genetically Modified Foods 


●One of the most prominent advantages of genetically modified food is that it helps in controlling the occurrence of certain diseases. Certain foods cause allergy to people. Their genetic modification alters the DNA system of these foods, thereby making them non-allergic.


●Another major advantage of such type of foods is that they grow faster than their traditionally grown counterparts. As a result, there is greater productivity and more food.


●A person need not bother about any additional costs, such as buying chemicals and pesticides, when it comes to genetically engineered food. The food is naturally pest-resistant.


●Farming these foods can be a great way to fight world hunger. Since these crops grow faster or more effectively, increased production would help countries wherein crops may not normally prosper because of less than desirable environmental conditions.


●The increased shelf life of these food products helps in reducing the quantity of rotten food.


Disadvantages of Genetically Modified Foods 


●The biggest disadvantage of genetically modified food is that they have harmful effects on the human body. The consumption of these genetically engineered foods can lead to development of diseases that are immune to antibiotics.


●Chances of developing cancer are high in people who regularly consume engineered food.


●Since it is an unnatural way of producing foods, there is an increased health hazard such as allergens, transfer of antibiotic resistance markers and unknown effects.


●Since the production of engineered food involves infusing animal genes in the crops and tampering with nature, it might not be good for consumption in the long run.




 How does genetically modified food control the occurrence of certain diseases?   1    


A. By cross-pollinating.


B. By conventional crossbreeding.


C. By altering the DNA system of these foods.


2. Do farmers need to buy any chemicals and pesticides if they plant genetically modified food?   2    


A. Yes, they need to. Because the food is not resist to pests.


B. No, they don’t need to. Because the food is naturally pest-resistant.


C. No, they don’t need to. Because the chemicals and pesticides are provided by the government.


3. Which statement is not the advantage of genetically modified food?   3    


A. It may have harmful effects on human body.


B. Genetically modified food grows faster than their traditionally grown counterparts.


C. Farming genetically modified food can help fight world hunger.


4. What would happen to a person if he regularly consume genetically modified food?   4    


A. He would get cold.


B. He would lose some weight.


C. He would have cancer.


5. Which title is the best for this passage?   5    


A. Can genetically modified foods combat world hunger?


B. Genetically modified mood: our answer is no


C. Genetically modified foods: pros and cons





















