
时间:2019-07-26 17:31来源:本站作者:点击: 903 次

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1.All teachers reiterate the importance of initiative learning.
A. repeat   B. detest  C. desire   D. tolerate
2.A friendship may be ________, casual, situational or deep and lasting.
A. identical    B. original    C. superficial    D. critical
3.Before he started work, I asked the builder to give me an ________ of the cost of repairing the roof.
A. assessment    B. estimate    C. announcement    D. evaluation
4. The volunteer firefighters valiantly tried to put out the ______ forest fire.
A. raging    B. wretched    C. roaming    D. roaring
5. Education is ______ for all school-age children in many a country.
A. universal      B. compulsory    
C. requested      D. general
6.The kitten was so tiny and pathetic.
   A. pitiable   B. passionate  C. passive   D. pessimistic
7. All teachers reiterate the importance of initiative learning.
    A. repeat   B. detest  C. desire   D. tolerate
8. They plan to ______ the run-down house in a year’s time.
A. revive    B. renovate    C. replace    D. remove
9. All teachers reiterate the importance of initiative learning.
    A. repeat   B. detest  C. desire   D. tolerate
10. He said he could not ______ all the information given in the broadcast.
A. accumulate    B. absorb    C. acknowledge    D. acquire
II. Text Comprehension: True or False Statement.(20%):
Haugaard thought it impossible to take pleasure in the profession of housewife if she didn’t want to betray the cause of Women’s Lib. (Philosophers Among Carrots)
She didn’t remember very well where she learned the analogy of “Where are the string beans of yesterday?” (Philosophers Among Carrots)
Her husband at last gave an approving smile because of the tantalizing aroma of the bread. (Philosophers Among Carrots)
2. Eruditely in “ I muttered eruditely to he cat” is used ironically. (Philosophers Among Carrots) 
  3.  She didn’t remember very well where she learned the analogy of “Where are the string beans of yesterday?”  (Philosophers Among Carrots)
  4. She was criticizing her cake mixture when she remembered the words by Emerson that “ A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” (Philosophers Among Carrots)
7.  ”Let me do it for you” behavior toward female students is detrimental to their becoming independent. (Sexism in Class)
8. In terms of receiving acceptance from teachers the proportion of boys to girls is appropriately equal. (Sexism in Class)
Girls tend to think that their failure is, to a greater extent, due to external factors. (Sexism in Class)
Female speakers are not so impressive as male speakers (Sexism in School )
III. fill in the blank with a proper word from the words given(20%):
senses, lust, pleasures, edge,  miseries, juices, keenness,  duties, preserve, curious, bite, hatred

One of the major ___1___in life is appetite, and one of our major ___2____should be to___3__ it. Appetite is the ____4__ of living; it is one of the ___5___ that tell you that you are still____6___to exist. That you still have an  ___7___ on your longings and want to __8__into the world and taste its multitudinous flavors and  __9__. By appetite, I don’t mean just the __10___ for food, but any condition of unsatisfied desire.IV. Translation (20%):
V. paragraph translation (20%) 
Those who are born into absolute poverty and are destined to live in it typically have an easier time with the money issue. They learn early not to expect wealth and  so avoid wasting emotions on such aspirations. They become amotivational in this regard. Some, on the other hand, determine to break out of their status and relentlessly strive for their share of the gold. Generally, they are bright, very ambitious, and follow fellow models of success. They develop skills, become knowledgeable, develop expertise, and work very hard. A few of them make it, but frequently at great expense.

